Aidan Turnbull

Aidan Turnbull comments:

I am pleased to say that rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated!

I am also pleased to say that 2005 has been a good year for me and for the Turnbull fighting Clan generally. My cousin ILLTYD Turnbull (26) and his partner had a little baby girl (Jade), and my other cousin Emanwel (another demon fighter) was accepted by Oxford University to read LAW.

We Turnbulls will be fighting together at TEWKESBURY (9th-10th July, 2005) which celebrates the 1471 Battle in which the Lancastrians were massacred by the Yorkists - we do not know which side we are going to be on yet!

Below is a list of our engagements for the rest of 2005. I am especially looking forward to JULY's events which include OESELGEM and AZINCOURT - battles in Belgium and France. As you know, my colleagues and I specialise in 1450-1500AD armour and weapons and live as medieval in 'Living History' encampment when we are in the field.

Six of us will be travelling the Continent, moving from Battle-to-Battle over a 10-day span. Watch this space for further reports!




Gillian Turnbull arms her husband, Aidan Turnbull, at the Battle of Groombridge Place.

Check out my new backplate! It's great (took delivery in May 2005)

Babe magnet

Aidan with poleaxe
